Hedrin vs instru-monumentalist

San (Hedrin) on the mic
San, the instru-monumentalist (on the beats)

Wadup San
1. Back at home(Lesotho) you are not as active as you are is this side, why is this so? I mean, anyone makin it big in this industry will be pullin up boys from home, are you secretly doing so or you have stopped?
It can easily be perceived so, but the truth is of a different nature. Everything I do has always carried with it a representation of whom I am and where I come from. That’s why on all the albums I’ve been involved with the names “Other Intelligences (O.I.N.T.S)” & “Audible Braile Entertainment” are hoisted up and are like a banner under which all the works I’m personally in charge of orchestrating and putting together are released. Other Intelligences is a two man Hip-hop/jazz/poetry group I am part of with my brother in rhyme and grind Barometz of Green back home in Lesotho, Audible Braile entertainment is a music production, promotion and events organizing outfit Alias, J. Meegar, Barometz, Lyrical TiP and I formulated with the primary objective of bringing cats we feel are nice on the mic and deserve recognition can fully be marketed through. This of course includes cats from Lesotho and in other places.
Over and above that, the premise under which I operate is one that recognizes that to be able to pull other cats to the fore front; you must initially cement yourself as someone who is in a position to earn respect from the listeners and fellow HipHop heads alike. In that way, it’s easier for you to dictate and relay to cats that the people you run with are as much talented as you if not more. Earn respect and credibility, from then on catapult your cats with you to the front…
My hunger and passion to succeed in this world and culture of HipHop is infallible homes. With the Re-Invention album, I was fortunate enough to have laid the blueprints to the entire project down with Alias, Lyrical Tip, J. Meegar and Leminah Chifadza, people whose need to succeed and do well was equal to mine. With that inspiration behind me, I was able to keep my eyes on the ball and know exactly what was at stake, the reputation I told you is important in every producer’s career. In turn, this hunger was transferred to the fellow producers we were proud to have on the album. Those who made the final roster unquestionably felt the same way too and were ready to build with us. Unfortunately not all the cats we would have liked to have on the album managed to appear, some for reasons beyond their control and others simply because they did not realize the magnitude and seriousness of what we were trying to do. To them, I cant really say much except keep on doing what you do, the talent is there, that’s why we wanted to build together in the first place but bare in mind always that discipline is key in any discipline, can’t lose sight of that…
3. From my personal view i would say the re-invention album was or still is the biggest of projects to have taken place on AG, how did you feelin whiles pushin this project? I mean after the producer challenges hit the floor, you realy had to have had a lot of faith in this project.
True, like I said, I was inspired duke; I had an irrefutable conviction of what had to be done. The project manifested itself in front of my eyes way before it was put into the works and the producers were told about it. It took some time to plan, with that said, it’s only natural to understand that we had faith in the cats we would want to have on it and knew that with the a nudge from us in the right direction, they would do what they do best, deliver heat and we would have a classic on our hands…
Reputation! That’s what is at stake if this does not see the light of day or if it drops and flops. Trompie has been involved in more projects than I can care to mention and all of them have been received well by heads across the board. He brings to the second VOL a fresh and knowledgeable perspective of how to coordinate something with a bigger group of people. You should remember that with VOL 1 the producers were calling the shots, with VOL 2 we have them and the emcees, a different ball game all together, one that requires a more stringent and firmer line of dedication. Moreover I believe that with the success of VOL 1, all the emcees are inspired to do one better with VOL 2 cos they have something to act as a benchmark, no one wants to fall victim to the “sophomore jinx”.
5. Down to your production Who are you working with at the moment? I have heard you mention a couple of GTown kats, exactly how involved are you in the scene down that side?
The G is blessed with artistry ma nigg, everybody I know is involved in one way or another in the arts, and be it as dancers, choreographers, emcees, producers and so forth. With that kind of vibrant nature of the environment I’m in, it’s not too difficult to immerse yourself fully into the culture and find your footing. Also because of its small geographical characteristic, Grahamstown is a small place where everything happens in plain sight and easily within reach. As a HipHop producer and one fifth of an events coordinating company we host HipHop shows, emcee battles, B Boy shows and such, playing our part in the growth of the art.
Currently I’m working with soul singer Bridgetta CoCo and are to release her Ep in the next coming months. Also doing some work on the Optic Nerve of Supremacy’s debut Ep “blood type O”. over and above that, Alias and I are scheduled to release our sophomore album as INSPIRATION called: Numb3ers and alphab3ts pretty soon….
6. I have heard a track or two with you rapping, but that was a bit back in the day, are you still in touch with that side of the industry?
Unfortunately not. Not as much as I would like that’s for sure. With Other Intelligences (O.I.N.T.S) I am the primary beat maker and partial emcee, Barometz rhymes more than I do on our records, but because I ascribed to making beats more than rhyming with the intent of better perfecting that side of my art I lost touch with the emcee in me for a minute. Im slowly trying to find a balance between the sequencer and the mic again though. I feel I have a lot to say now, seen a lot and been working with talented emcees, I have more to share. Who knows, you might even get to hear something for the Re-Invention VOL 2 so stay tuned. hahaha!...
7. You have droped a beat tape before, and you are currently workin on the second one, what different approach should we be expecting?
Growth! From working with different producers and being exposed to their different style of beat making and production I have consciously and sometimes even subconsciously been gathering lessons from everyone I encounter. Alias has been a huge inspiration in my beat making skills with his jazzy/classical forms of producing, him and Myth, Cymtom, Rebbi and Trompie. The second beat tape will in that way be more musical and not just a bombardment of signature arrangement…
The first step is the selection of the sample. For that to be possible I have to have heard something I like and can virtually see coming together from chop to chop. Sometimes I might even have 2 or more samples I liked and would want to merge those into a song. For chopping purposes I use Adobe Audition 3, it’s a nice and handy way of not only getting the sample cleaned up and precisely chopped but you can stretch it. By this time I have my Reason 4 open. The default layout is a 14 track mixer and the mastering suite. My first action is to load my NN19 device, I use this to load the sample and manipulate it on the sequencer. Thereafter I load the Redrum computer for the drums, and begin. First have a 4 bar loop going and from there add bits a pieces of the sample as I go along. The whole beat however is not made on anything heavily technical im afraid, just my headies and my lappy…makes for easy creation when one is on a bus and living out of a suitcase like I have been for the past 3 years.
9. What are your plans for the future, seeing as you the only kat who has pulled out a realy big project out of AG?
I wouldn’t say that, many cats I look up to in the world of beat making have come from AG, Trompie, Nyambz, IQ, Myth and so forth. All of those cats have individually made a huge contribution to the art and continue to do so. I guess then I would say that my wish for the future is to keep ON doing what I do but only bigger…
10. Can you please give us an in detailed report of your experience within the industry, from how and where you started from to your highlights to this day, and also how different is the scene back in Lesotho as compared to SA.
“The industry!” haha, I don’t know about that. Well, personally I have been making beats for the past 9 years now (I think or maybe longer).., got into HipHop like all of us have I guess, as a listener. Slowly moved up to emcee level and formed a group “the Mysterious Crew” with the Earth Priest (now Barometz of Green) in 1996 when we were still in high school and were al about two men crews (M.O.P, EPMD, Gangstaar etc). That was around the same time I think I met up with Core Wrekah and Fario Magnetic. Round the same time if not a year later Fairo and I lived in the same hood and he was the first cat to introduce me to beat making and gave me my first sequencer…from then on in my career as a ebat maker I went on to produce beats for a lot of people but none have as much significance in my life as the work I made for now late friend and emcee CREEPER REBORN the illa thought, he was a superb wordsmith with great passion, he will greatly be missed.
In terms of standard and stature, the HipHop scene back home can’t really be compared with the one here in SA because we are still in the very early stages of growth. People know about HipHop, they go to shows when there are shows, they buy records if you push them hard enough but the differentiating factor I think is what makes an industry and industry. There aren’t any A & Rs back home, you don’t have record companies waiting to sign HipHop acts or as much education as we have in SA on how to properly market yourself as an independent artist, cats are still in the earlier stages of learning about beat making never mind intellectual property rights.
Not always but at times since most of the people I’m affiliated with are mostly out of the country during the year either because of work or school I miss huddling up with them once Vac hits and exchanging different lessons, sort of like return migrants bringing together trait secrets and weighing who has learnt more and done more during the year, shallow I know, but that’s how we learn... hehe!
Spending time in Sweden I was exposed to an entirely different culture of music. Being in a club at 11 oclock and listening to the latest Wil I am song you d be quick to think okay, there is nothing different about the people here and those back home, we all boogey to the same beats. The clock strikes 12 midnight and all of the sudden the town’s people morph into a different kind of music fiend, they transform and dance to a harder more grungier form of drum and bass, a unique side of the music that only the people there can say they own and have come up with, sorta like the Swedish version of kwaito (if such a thing still exists). Being a scholar of music I had no choice but to dive into that side of the music and learn more about it, the pattering, the drumming, the arrangement, everything. As is said, some of these things you learn consciously and subconsciously, either from conversations with other people or from your own deductions. Music has a way of seeping into you and changing your comprehension for its different shapes and forms if you listen long enough.
let me not grill you too much.
Thanx homeboy, keep it up.
Likewise ma nigg, likewise…stay UP!
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