PostHeaderIcon The ONE (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) Phil Tha Kritik

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PostHeaderIcon Loud & Out Mixtape Vol. 1 - Phil the Kritik

PostHeaderIcon SAN presents TRACK-MEETS 2 -OFFICIAL PROMO- (2011)

Well! look no further..
is a snippit to the 1st quarter 16 track beat  installment geared to come out January – February 2012 called “TRACK MEETS 2”.
This here is taste of whats to come from one of the illest producersSAN, the Instru-Monumentalist .
Be sure to place ur order soon..
Download the Promo Now

PostHeaderIcon Syklik - Van Mash

Its a beat tape/instrumental album by Syklik under the persona Van Mash. It's a lament of how music has changed and that mediocrity is more preferred this day to quality music.

PostHeaderIcon CYMTOM MEETS PIE (August 2011)

In the humble effort of supporting fellow artists and sharing an audience , an effort which I feel should be a principle that each individual who terms himself/herself a hip hop head holds dearly ; Each one teach one, Seamrock Entertainment has decided to collaborate with established or upcoming beat makers and producers in Lesotho, this is why Seamrock brings you a project that Pie and Cymtom have been brainstorming for the past few weeks; Seamrock Entertainment presents Cymtom meets Pie (August 2011). Like most cats that decided to take up beatmaking as a craft, Pie started out as a rapper. After he discovered how difficult it was getting beats for himself and his boys he put himself up to a challenge; he started toying around with Fl studio, learning how to arrange drums ,constructing bass lines , and gradually how to chop up a sample. Though the self taught brother still has much to discover regarding other avenues and techniques of making beats, the tape truly deserves an ear. His counterpart Cymtom (of whom i won’t say much) took a dive into his archive and blew the dust off a few numbers he had buried away for future use. Pie and Cymtom exchange turns throughout the eleven track project. With that said the rest is for the listener to decide get the tape, for comments and criticisms use the contact details left on the sleeves. Get the tape here. download the tape HERE the link previously didnt work but it has been revised
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Rebbi Muzik
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